Do Not Know How To Link in HTML? I do

For links HTML has a few different terms that get thrown around. But they all net the same thing. If I say that I want a HREF link in HTML, it simply means that I want a link in HTML, meaning that I want a URL in HTML. Still not quite clear, huh? Okay, let us start back at the beginning.

1. HTML or Hypertext Markup Language

This is a coding language that is used to manipulate every facet of a website. It can control something as simple as what text is on the page, its color, size, font and placement. It can create usable buttons. It can provide links to other pages on the internet, or just links sending the clicker to another page on the current website. The only limit in HTML is your knowledge of the code language and your imagination.

2. URL or Universal Resource Locator

In the internet, a URL is simply a website address. It is just the fancy name for it. A URL must be input into the search bar as a whole unit, otherwise it cannot direct to the specific page. URLs can be generic, like the homepage for a site at simple as Or it can be incredibly specific leading to a picture embedded onto a page that is three tabs deep into another web site. Obviously, the more complex the location of the site, the more convoluted the URL will be.

3. HREF or Hypertext Reference

In non code speak, these are simply links in HTML. Among the various bits of code, an HREF needs a URL in there to create a hyperlink on the page. It can be leading to another page on the website in which it is based, or it can lead off to another website altogether. Why it is not just called a URL or hyperlink, we may never know.

I hope that clarified things for you. The fact that HTML has its own specific word for URL or hyperlink just goes to further prove that HTML really is a unique language all on its own. If it has intrigued you, I urge you look into learning a little more of the language. It can be a very fulfilling and rewarding hobby.